If you are ready to become a redesign pro, just hit the button right there >>>

How do I GROW My Skills as a Furniture Artist?
⇒ By just clicking for more information you have set yourself apart from everyone else. Many will say they want to become a master furniture artist but few will take the steps toward that goal.
⇒ Too many are afraid to travel the road to success, because it entails learning new techniques, experimenting with new products, methods and being willing to experiment and try new things.
⇒ Do you have dreams? Are you a go-getter? Is it your desire to know more, experience more, BE MORE? If so, scroll down and keep reading...
If so, then buckle your seat belt, because you are in the right place. Welcome to the top 20%!

This is your personal invitation to enroll in a BRAND NEW MEMBERSHIP:
Furniture Flipping Blueprint - Redesign
This is your personal invitation to enroll in a brand NEW MEMBERSHIP
Furniture Flipping Blueprint - Redesign

⇓ More About Me ⇓
You don't have to be alone.
Hi. I'm Val Frania. From the moment we start learning about furniture redesign, we imagine what it would be like to create beautiful, long lasting and highly sought after furniture pieces. We picture bringing in added income and earning a spot in the world of art.
We imagine receiving hundreds of "Wow", "Beautiful", "Amazing" comments on social media while confidently exchanging our highly coveted pieces of art for wads of bills and a gushing, "Thank you," from our customers.
But what happens when this doesn't happen right away or we run into issues during the redesign process? You start to doubt yourself and wonder if you really have what it takes. Can I ease your mind a bit?
It truly can be frustrating and discouraging when you start out and even when you've been at it for a while. You just need the right tools and information so you can be a confident, skilled furniture artist.
Furniture Flipping Blueprint is your solution → THE Most Comprehensive Online Membership for Furniture Flippers.

24/7 guidance at your fingertips.
Online. All in one place.
Have you been frustrated trying to learn all the steps to creating beautiful furniture?
- Spending hours watching insanely long video tutorials and frustrated sifting through all the online info?
- Struggling to learn new techniques and feeling intimidated when asking for help?
- Purchasing products and tools you are unsure how to use?
I was too, so I created the Blueprint just for you!
- Short and to the point videos and written tutorials with tested and accurate information at your fingertips
- Recommended products listed, linked and pictured for each stage of the process
- Gain confidence and tap into your inner artist
How is Furniture Flipping Blueprint different?
- We have an amazing safe community unlike others - no drama!
- No longer do you need to try to figure it all out alone - everything is at your fingertips, online, 24/7/365.

NOTE: This new membership, FFB REDESIGN, has been designed for those of you who want to learn only furniture redesign, because you are not ready for the marketing end of furniture flipping, don't plan to turn your art into a business, or you already are a PRO marketer. You DO want to learn the marketing too?... scroll down to the bottom and you'll find information on how you can join FURNITURE FLIPPING BLUEPRINT PRO - the best (and quite possibly the only) comprehensive online manual for furniture flippers.

Gain confidence in your redesign skills by learning all the popular and trendy techniques as well as all of the classic designs that have lasted for decades.

Your boldness of design and creativity will blossom as your knowledge of products, tools and the methods to use each one will become second nature to you.

Online Presence
People will begin to notice that your furniture art is different - unique, professional, beautiful, and will get the scrollers to STOP and LOOK.

Find Your People
To align yourself and keep company with like-minded furniture artists is a step in the right direction. Encouragement and support goes a long way!

FFB PRO is a 24/7/365, A to Z Online Manual
With Over 250 Technique, Tips & Marketing Videos!
→ Step-by-step tutorials on how to clean, prep, paint, stain, top coat, etc.
→ Quick fixes, problem solvers, repair tips & recipes
→ Special painting and finishing techniques tutorials & tips
→ Product info, insiders tips on usage and recommendations
→ Resources including Amazon product links & company discount codes
→ 20% off discount code for Furniture Flipping Market
→ Backgrounds, flooring and lighting, staging examples
→ The Science behind staging, photography & pricing
→ Dealing with customers, how to de-stress the marketing process
→ Sample forms, pricing examples, printables & disclaimers
And much more...
NOTE: Delivery = Modules 1-9 & 11-15 are available from day one and the techniques Module #10 holds the technique tutorials, delivering one technique tutorial every week for 15+ weeks.

Lidia Martins @ Vintique Paint Addict
"Val, I appreciate the hard work that you and your family do for me in this group. Your modules are a personal library that give me peace of mind, knowing when I need something, it's all in one spot. and your videos are short and very clear to follow. I can tell you put your heart into us and I personally have grown so much because of you. What other group spends their valuable time and money to sending us little gifts? You're the cat's meow. I appreciate you and all you do for us."

Robin Raible @ Dusty to Divine
"The Blueprint is for people of all levels, especially people starting out because it puts all of the information for you in one place. There is no wondering "What group did I see that in?" or, "Did I save that post?" Val keeps great information all in one place. Then she has the closed [FB PRO] group of people that are an endless resource of support and knowledge. My skill, business and most of all confidence have grown leaps and bounds since I joined."

Sandy K. Young
"I can't imagine where I'd be if it wasn't for this wonderful, kind, brilliant, artistic lady. And the talented, helpful, kind members of this group! Awesomeness!!!!"

RoseMarie Brown @ Furniture Revival
"This group and Val will make your furniture business and or painting hobby one of the best decisions you will ever make. I had a vision that quickly lost its luster with a group I was in prior to meeting Val. The moment I joined this group I was quickly catapulted back on track with my vision for my business. It is a fun group of likeminded women with the perfect leader guiding us to where we need to be...I have definitely received more from this group than I have paid."

Paula Bausworth @ Finds and Redesigns by PaulaB
"The Blueprint has changed my way of thinking. I new enjoy getting into my zone and attempting to be creative. But more importantly, the wealth of information you have right at your fingertips 24/7 AND the comradery in this group is priceless. You won't regret!"

Paula Goldman @ Castaways by Paula
"Joining the Blueprint and being mentored by Val Frania continues to be my compass for creating a professional business. Every aspect of growing my business is covered, from techniques to contracts to an online presence. This is a quality "product" made up of experience, knowledge, and good old fashioned know-how. The bonus has been all the other members who are incredibly supportive. Very grateful."
General Questions
FURNITURE FLIPPING BLUEPRINT is an online membership site, sort of like a course, but it's more like a manual you can access 24/7 with "modules" full of information, both written and video. It is accessed by members from the welcome page where there are links to each set of modules listed by subject. It's along the lines of the streaming movie sites, but not for entertainment, for learning. You sign on after you enroll and have access for a month or a year, depending on which plan you sign up for. If you join the annual, at the end of the year your credit card is automatically billed the same amount even if it goes up in price. You don't have to think about it again and it's there when you need it! Once you enroll you are locked into that price and it will never increase for you as long as you remain a member.
FFB - Redesign is for those who only want to learn redesign and don't feel the need for marketing help. It's your way of getting your foot in the door to learn furniture art and minimize your financial commitment.
Furniture Flipping Blueprint - PRO is available for you if you desire access to mentoring, an exclusive online tribe, how-to marketing modules, and a library packed full of extra training. You'll find a button at the bottom to find out more or email me at Val@Valfrania.com is you have questions.
If you are wanting to learn both REDESIGN AND MARKETING, scroll to the bottom to find FFB PRO and join that instead of just the FFB REDESIGN. FFB PRO includes marketing.
If you are interested more in a social type of group, Furniture Flipping Forum is a good place to land. If you would like weekly+ videos featuring just the basics of redesign in a social atmosphere where you can ask questions, then Furniture Flipping Basics is a good place to be, especially for new furniture artists. It's a smaller more intimate group great for beginners or those who want to revisit the basics of furniture redesign. You are welcome to join both or either.
FFB PRO members have a private FB group.
If you are wanting to become well versed in all things redesign, you really can't afford NOT to join! If you want to save time and money, then hop on FFB and get the insider information at your fingertips on FFB 24/7 and then take advantage of one of the FB groups for support. It's the best way to SAVE money and time. No more guessing how to do things, what is the best product, or even IF you can do this. FFB is the fast track to being an accomplished furniture artist. No more frustration or spending hours online when you can be putting out great pieces now. The money you save with the insiders information will pay for FFB over and over.
I suppose that depends! If you want to learn quickly and easily, join FFB REDESIGN or FFB PRO. If you want to take your time and soak it all in, learning and growing at your own pace, join either FFB membership. If you want to build your confidence as you learn how to turn out great artistic pieces of furniture, join one of the FFB memberships. If you want to learn how to prep right so your piece lasts...if you want to know the trendy styles and expert techniques, join FFB. DON'T join if you want to just slap on the paint and sell your pieces cheaply and don't care how they last or what your reputation is. We are in it to win it and we want to help you win too.
FFB itself is a go at your own pace, use it in your own way sort of program. Sure, we want to get to know you, offer our support and wisdom, but there are no requirements. You will get out of it what you put into it. Use it how you see fit and enjoy the ride! We are here to help you in any way you need. FFB is chock full of information that will help you progress as an artist and become a name in your niche - a name that is well spoken of and known for quality pieces. The sky is the limit when you apply yourself and dig into the information to improve your skills. Jump in and realize your dreams!
Experience Is Your Best Teacher
Let me lend you MY experience on your furniture flipping journey to save you time, money and frustration. I have 1000+ hours of classroom, online research, experimentation and hands on workshop experience to share, and I am currently sharing my know-how around the globe in over 100 countries:
0 years
0 years
0 years

Let's Flip Together!
Join our furniture flipping community and let's go and make our mark on the world.
Are you ready to get started?
We are waiting for you!